Top 10 Best English quotes for Life

Top 10 Best English quotes for Life -:

Here are some quotes about life in english language. Now a days people loves to read quotes and post it to social media.Many person searches for quotes about motivation, life, attitude and many more which are used for motivation and other thoughts and social media status to post.So here those are thanks for visiting our website -

Text quotes -:

1. Life is not for defeat it's for victory.
2. Although you are created by your parents but you can create the whole world.
3. Life is a game which can't be lose.
4. The life should be like water flat and calm.
5. Your life should be changed by you but you shouldn't be changed by your life.
6. No one can stop you if you didn't stop.
7. The only truth of life is I can.
8. The life never stop.
9. Life is a way of opportunities.
10. Life is beautiful if we can see.
Top 10 Best English quotes for Life Top 10 Best English quotes for Life Reviewed by Ashutosh Trivedi on 11:00 AM Rating: 5

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